Duck Creek Lodge
Masonic Library

Orientation for New Candidates
of Duck Creek Masonic Lodge # 1419

By James N. White, WM Duck Creek Lodge, 1990-1991

Anything that is written that you receive from the Lodge is not only not are encouraged to share it with your family
 and friends! Masonry is not a secret organization... true, we do have secret rituals, but that secrecy serves only to lend fuller emphasis to
 the publicly stated high aims and goals of the Fraternity.

For Mother's Day
From the Murrow Masonic Monitor (Oklahoma)
Second Section (Middle Chamber Lecture), FC degree
submitted by Brother Michael J. 'Mikey' Paroski -

Famous Masons
Compiled from information found on the internet. Here is a brief listing of famous people who are Masons. Or, are these Masons who are famous people?

Masonic Penalties
From the Grand Lodge of Texas, with permission Many Masons believe that the penalties of our obligations are land-marks handed down from antiquity. This is not so. The Old Charges or Manuscripts, the first being the Regius Poem written in 1390 A.D., all contain Charges or "land-marks" that we use today, but not until the Edinburgh Regiser House Manuscript of 1696 was there any mention of a penalty.

Ancient Free & Accepted Masonry
Lodges and Grand Lodges whose charters' roots derive from the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons of England, The Grand Lodge of Ireland or the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland use the expression, A.'.F.'.& A.'.M.'.

"The Lighter Side of Masonry"
Various Authors

Masonic stories, jokes, poems


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